📍What is 'Find Friends ON/OFF'❓
Wanna find new friends? 💚ON💚
No need to add friends? ❤OFF❤
You can click once to set ON/OFF
to show your profile to other users 😎
📍How does the feature help❓
1. Simpler and easier to find friends
If you turn "Find Friends" setting ON,
Your profile will be shown to other users
on Friend Suggestions list.
Others will see your profile
on Friend Suggestions
and send you a friend request,
or you can take a look
and send a request to a friend
who seems that you'll hit it off with👏🏻
2. Use "status message" to describe who you are looking for
Once you turn "Find Friends" setting ON,
your status message will be
shown to other users too.
You can describe who you are
or what friend you are looking for
in Status message!✏
3. See friends list suggested by bias setting
Users who set the same Bias as yours
are shown on Friend Suggestions👀
You will be shown to others too
if you turn "Find Friends" ON!
.📍'Find Friends ON/OFF' Feature Tips
1. Make your profile 🔝
Turn "Find Friends" OFF and ON again
so your profile will come up
at the top of Friend Suggestions list 👀
2. Edit your status message 📝
If you edit your status message
while "Find Friends" is ON,
it isn't automatically updated to Friend Suggestions list. 😱
Turn "Find Friends" OFF and ON again
so your status message will be
updated on Friend Suggestions list.
Q. Where can I change "Find Friends" setting?
A. ① FanPlus Home -> Find Friends menu
① FanPlus Home -> click "More" -> Friend Suggestions
Q. I edited my profile bio, but
it hasn't changed on
Friend Suggestions list 😢
A. The message on Friend Suggestions
is not "About You" bio from Profile.
It is "Status message",
which is shown
only on Friend Suggestions list.
Describe what friend you are looking for
in the status message!
e.g. Daily Active! x3 morning KST😎
Q. I edited my status message
but I still see the old one on Friend Suggestions list🧐
A. If you edit your status message
while "Find Friends" is ON,
it isn't automatically updated to Friend Suggestions list. 😱
Turn "Find Friends" OFF and ON again
so your status message will be
updated on Friend Suggestions list.
Q. I don't get any notifications of friend requests.
A. If you exceed the number of friends,
you cannot add more friends
and other users can't send you
a friend request anymore😭
Also, you don't receive notifications
if the notification settings are turned off.
Please make sure that the notification settings are turned on
on FanPlus settings > Notifications. 🙇🏻♀🙇🏻♂
.Q. Do I get no friend requests if I turn "Find Friends" OFF?
A. Yes, you can still get friend requests!
Your profile won't be shown
on Friend Suggestions list
if you turn "Find Friends" OFF,
but you can still see other people
on Friend Suggestions and
send/receive friend requests 😁
.Q. There are people who stan for a different bias
on Friend Suggestions list.
A. If there is no more user
to show on Friend Suggestions list,
there will be other users
who have a different bias
on Friend Suggestions list.
Any other questions about the new feature?
Feel free to contact us
(FanPlus Settings -> Contact us)
and stay tuned for other new updates!
Thank you for using FanPlus ❤️